I would like to recommend some material that aren't usually suggested.
I found 'design patterns for dummies', an excellent book. I haven't read head first book, but its size is daunting.
I don't know if 'UML distilled' counts for OO principles. I have the same problem with OO. Actually with 'design' rather than understanding of other people's design. Incidentally, 'Enterprise
Java with UML' was also an unexpected book for me. Very unique.
and 'JSF for non-believers' series, from IBM are very good, if you don't want to know it all, about JSF.
Originally posted by JigaR Parekh:
I hava just started preparing for SCEA 5. from objectives i can say below are seems my weak area
1) OO Principles
2) Design Patterns
3) JSF
Can you give me idea what kind questions can be asked for this, so i can prepare according to that.