I passed ibm 285(80%) and 286(68%) yesterday afternoon. So tired I was.I think I am crazy to do 2 exams in one afternoon. Luckily, I pass all. Thx everyone who give much useful experience in the forum.
I study 285 in two weeks like other people.
For the
test 285:
1. A book "An Introduction to Web Application Development with IBM WebSphere Studio: IBM Certified Associate Developer"
http://java.boot.by/icad-guide/ 3. Dirk Nolte's topic, "an ICE test", but i can't find the link again.(Thanks Dirk Nolte)
It's easy. I finished the exam in 58 mins.I have used eclipse 3 months before study wsad.
I study 286 also in two weeks
For the test 286:
http://www-03.ibm.com/certify/tests/obj286.shtml 2.
http://java.boot.by/ibm-287/ (chapter 2)
3. A book: "Developing
J2EE Applications with WebSphere Studio: IBM Certified Enterprise Developer" (ch2,ch3,ch4,ch11)
4. scwcd guide (a little help)
The exam is not easy. I use out time. I nearly give it up.
Unbelievably, I pass it when the time is over.
Thank godness.
Now i have 5 certification.(That 's a good grade.)
IBM Certified Solution Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0
IBM Certified Associate Developer - WebSphere Studio, V5.0
IBM certification XML and related technologies
2005,Sun Certified Web Component Developer for the
Java 2 Platform
2004,Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 1.4
Good luck to everybody!
PS: Next year i will graduate from South China Univerciry of technology in China. I wish to find a job in US. Please tell me how to do?Thx.