I will post the percentages in about an hour when I go out to my truck and get my score sheet. I didn't buy the prof. XSL book, so I didn't feel I needed it. I thought professional XML was enough for the XSLT coverage. I also read the spec though. I think the real key to the XSLT stuff is understanding what the Xpath selects. I didn't even read about the XSL-FO (though I should have since I scored 33% on rendering which was only 11% of the test!).
As far as studying. I studied about 2 weeks. I'm a single parent and a consultant that works a bunch of hours. I read the schema book 1 time and it took me about 3 days. I went back and read the highlighting the night before the test. I didn't do any example work. If english isn't your native language, you may want to work a little harder since the questions are often tersely worded.
Oh yeah, there's a chart in the schema book that shows the difference between DTD, schema, and competing schema technologies. While you don't need to worry about the competing tech. the chart is useful for comparing DTDs and schemas.
In closing (I know I type a lot :-), make sure you understand schema content models, stuff like, how you make a list, how to make something null, how to extend, restrict, or substitute. It seemed as if there were many questions on this. Know SAX and DOM -- just go ahead and read the spec. especially if you worked with MSXML and think you understand the DOM -- you probably don't know it in adequate detail. SAX is so small, just read the API. there is bound to be a couple of questions about the interfaces or the order that processing occurs. Know the DOM hierarchy -- what inherits from what and what you in general you can pass to the methods.
I hope that helps... I'm studying for
Java programmer and IBM OOA and OOD now.
That's all folks,