Hi Guys ,
I just cleared the exam .I got 68% not a good score though .
Here is the split up :
Architecture : 70%
Information Modeling : 66%
XML Processing : 61%
XML Rendering : 100%
Testing And Tuning : 66%
This forum helped me a lot to prepare for the exam and clear it. What a big sigh of relief after completing and passing it.
I had just about time to complete the exam and no time to review ,'cos I spent more time in the intial questions .I would advice future exam takers to plan and do proper time management ,so you have enough time in the end to review (unfortunately I din't)
Preparation Time: 2 months
Resources: mostly the resources as mentioned by other IBM-141 certified professionals and I also bought the IBM sample test for $ 10 .
Books that I bought 1) Professional XML (2nd edition ) By WROX publication (read ... read..... read... )
2) Professional XML schema ( Good book for thoroughly understanding the Schema concepts)
3) XML - how to program by DEITEL & DEITEL (This book does not cover all the chapters required for the exam . some chapters are good like DTD .you do not have to buy the book the sample chapter is avaialable in the link
http://www.javaranch.com/gramps/XMLLinks.jsp under subtopic "OTHERS" -->
"XML How to Program " .
Links that I used for preparation: 1)
Processing XML with JAVA 2)
ZVON ( VERY good site for XSLT and others . Go through this examples once you have read the Professional XML 2nd edition book )
XLINK ( Good to start with this link and then read the chapter in Professional XML 2nd edition)
All the mock-up tests in the forum were very useful .
Below I have pasted some links and information based on the
topics related to exam 1)
Well Formed XML / Valid XML ---> Read Professional XML 2nd edition chapter 1 .
XML SYNTAX ---> ( Professional XML 2nd edition chapter 2 , chapter 3 also read about Infosets (chapter 4) . I got some questions regarding infoset )
DTD ---> Professional XML 2nd edition chapter 5 ,
ZVON - DTD Tutorial 4)
XML SCHEMA ---> Professional XML Schemas by WROX publication chapters 1,2,3,4 and also read the APPENDIX A in this book which is very useful (gives a broad view of the different functions and elements used without getting confused)
Namespace ---> Professional XML Schemas by WROX publication chapter 6, URL=http://www.zvon.org/xxl/NamespaceTutorial/Output/index.html]ZVON-NS-Tutorial[/URL], Professional XML 2nd edition chapter 6
DOM ---> Professional XML 2nd edition chapter11,URL that I had pasted earlier for Processing XML with JAVA chapters 9, 10, 11, 12
SAX --> Professional XML 2nd edition chapter 12
XPATH --> Professional XML 2nd edition chapter 8,
ZVON-XPATH Tutorial 9)
XSLT --> Professional XML 2nd edition chapter 9,
ZVON-XSLT Tutorial (very very useful study this link for sure )
XLINK,XPOINTER --> Professional XML 2nd edition chapter 10,
XMLBible- Xpointer,
ZVON- Xpointer Tutorial 11)
SOAP ,UDDI, WSDL -->Professional XML 2nd edt chapter 24, 27
XML Signature ( You can use this gist from the notes ,that I used for learning , but I did not get any questions on it ) Please someone correct me if I'm wrong .
For Signature:
For Encryption :
Please also use the resources mentioned in the other postings and definetly go through all the mock-up tests in the Java ranch link and all the FAQ's etc..,
Guys excuse me If I have missed something . I could have done it much better if not for a proper time management . There were some Q's from the mock-up tests too.
All the best future exam takers !!
[ June 11, 2004: Message edited by: Jeni Jay ]
[ June 11, 2004: Message edited by: Jeni Jay ]
[ June 11, 2004: Message edited by: Jeni Jay ]