suspect that R1000 and R1001 were specified to make the fault information as accessible as possible so that it could be easily extracted even without starting up a fullblown XML parser - which would be useful for clients with limited processing capabilities/power (mobile and/or embedded software).
Basic Profile Version 1.0a
4.1.2 SOAP Fault Syntax
A SOAP Fault is a SOAP message that has a single child element of the soap:Body element, that element being a soap:Fault element. The Profile restricts the content of the soap:Fault element to those elements explicitly described in SOAP 1.1.
R1000 When a MESSAGE contains a soap:Fault element, that element MUST NOT have element children other than faultcode, faultstring, faultactor and detail.
4.1.3 SOAP Faults and Namespaces
The children of the soap:Fault element are local to that element, therefore namespace qualification is unnecessary.
R1001 When a MESSAGE contains a soap:Fault element its element children MUST be unqualified.
[ November 17, 2005: Message edited by: Peer Reynders ]