Dear Dinesh,
>I am new to this weblogic world and don't know much about it.
>Can some answer my questions or suggest me some good study material.
You are welcome.
Try For deployment: You could also go for WLS 8.1 or WLS 9.2 docs.
It is best first to create a weblogic domain and then use the weblogic admin console to deploy. Second choice is to configure your server to accept deployments in the "applications" directory (WLS can do an auto-deployment while running in devlopment mode too!). Third choice would be to use MyEclipse with deployment utility or an
ANT script which calls the Weblogic "wldeploy" ANT task.
>1. How are we deploy the jar file in weblogic
If it is an
EJB (the jar) you must deploy it as an EJB.
>2. What is difference between Tomcat apache server and weblogic
Tomcat is only a server with a
servlet and jsp engine.
WebLogic is a full blown application server with clustering, EJB, JMS, etc.
>3. Jar is collection of JSp, classes and wht other .
you should try to package it as a WAR and not JAR file which contains your web.xml, servlet class, servlet definition, mapping url addresses.
If you are also using EJB jar files besides your web application, then you MUST package your application as an EAR, which contains your ejb jar's and war file.
Good luck.
[ February 20, 2008: Message edited by: Thomas Heiss ]