Hello Everyone,
I am continuing the tradition of sharing the joy & observations with everyone. I scored 100% in each section except for security (50%) &
EJB (88%). Though I have expected to barely pass the exam befored it commenced but was pretty confident to score well towards the end of it.
I do not have any impressive architecht ( I am looking for it) or EJB experience but have exposure to designing web based applications. All in all about three years in
Java & j2ee PLUS A couple of other certs (UML, XML etc.)
It is Important to answer survey at the earliest as the clock started ticking when you are answering survey.
Questions were bunched except for security in my case it started with design
pattern and in most cases more than one choices looked correct then you will have to look for most correct choise.
EJB is covered in depth but no DD type question. Life cycle mgmt of container was having many questions.
Many scenario based questions but if U are clear abt CORBA, EJB, JRMP, IIOP & legacy system kind of stuff then it will help U out
Jawaroski book has interesting chapter on security & Legacy connectivity I recommend it if U want precise and clear description of what to expect in the exam.
All in all I have a feeling that exam was pretty easy or I would say I was lucky enough to score so high. Never mind that but atleast expectations were belied and it left much more to be desired particularly when we are talking about most prestigious certification in the Industrry.
do not know anything abt part II can any one of U gmme the headstart atleast which posts links are intersting and must read before even thinking of downloading assignment.
Deepak Arora