hello, SECA pals, Do you guys draw additional sequence diagrams for the alternative flows? I am too lazy to do so as long as SUN won't deduct any points. Any comments? Thanks. Best, Denis
i think you have to draw the alternative flow in the sequence diagram, otherwise they're not complete. BTW: you only need to draw sequence diagrams for the four detailed use-case.
i did not draw it but i put in my remarks eg. if user didnot log in successfully or profile doesnot existing exception occurs. the it will be cascaded all the way up to FrontController which uses screenmager to generated error page for user. but i am not sure my lazy approach is ok not not. i havenot submit them and get my score yet. hehe.. but at least you better provide explaination or remarks for alternative approach or draw additional diagram for it rgds walter
public class Walter { public boolean is_Working_Now (boolean is_boss_Coming) { return is_boss_Coming; }
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