I know VO can be used to transfer data from the ejb layer to the web layer. Would the same VO be used to transfer data back to the ejb layer?
Absolutely! Your clients can change the values and send the VO back to the application tier. Of course you will have to use some strategy( such a dirtyMarker) to figure out if the values have changed.
Also would it be appropriate to cache data in the VO to increase performance instead of immediately updating the persistent data? For example in a shopping cart app you would store the selected items in the shopping cart (i.e. VO) and not persist the data until the customer pays for the items in the shopping cart (i.e. send the VO data to the DAO).
Exactly when you persist your data depends entirely on your requirements ie., in your example, does your usecase specify that the order cannot be placed until the payment has been processed or does it say customer pays only after the item has been located in stock and order fulfilment is guaranteed? - I hope you get the point.
I would be hesitant to treat value objects as data cache. In fact, no matter how well you design it, you will have to implement some sort of concurrency strategy to detect stale objects and prevent them from being persisted. Timestamping, vesioning etc are popular
patterns. And don't forget that value objects are normally designed based on the client requirements and therefore may map to more than one business entity. For instance, ReservationSummaryVO might be made of attributes from Person, Flight, Reservation, and Payment entities.