posted 20 years ago
Hi guys,
I have read through the assignment description for part II and have some confusions because some details are left out:
1. No mention of a flight managent subsystem, i.e, how do new flight data get input into the system, how existing flight info get modified
2. No mention of an accounting subsystem. I figure after a customer books an itinerary and pay for it using a credit card, some sort of accounting activities must happen.
The assigment description: background, requirement and interview with CEO, CIO does not mention any of this. The use cases only mention interactions between the customer/travel agent with the system
Without these components, the system would not be complete and functional.
So should I:
* add packages/components to handle data input and accounting
* or should I ignore and make some assumptions
* or should I just have enough components to handle the use cases given
Many thanks for any inputs