Originally posted by Finland Finland:
I notice there are some small difference in difference UML tools. The notation is not exactly the same.
From Rose, to Smart Draw, to Visio. Jude.
Any comments on this ? How to cope with that?
For this project I use Jude, I really hate Rose.
I agree and I have seen differences btw Jude and Visual Paradigm tool too. For instance, Jude doesnt allow you to create a package in your component diagram (atleast I dont know how to do it). If I want to display components grouped together in packages, then I cant do it in Jude. VP allows me to create packages and group components in them. On the same note, Rose lets me add '...' at the end of my attribute list in class diagram (to illustrate that the list is incomplete), but Jude doesnt allow me to do it.
So, yeah, there are differences btw different UML tools which gets quite irritating !