Thanks Deepak.
Shedding some lite, my assignment consists of
(1) Class Diagram - 20 classes (incl. 4 manager classes) with important attributes, navigability, association but no methods. Its a technology independent diagram.
(2) Component Diagram - Divided into Client, Web,
EJB, EIS and Resource Tiers.
I've put two packages in Web tier with
JSP components and Swing components and used a note specifying all the JSP's used (one JSP per usecase)
My Web tier is built on modified version of Web Application Framework (�WAF�). Have two different flows for both Web & Swing clients.
My EJB tier is common for both the clients and used both the EB's and DAO. And used EIS tier for integration with JMS.
(3) Sequence Diagram - Provided the diagrams for
1. Prepare Itinerary
2. Change Itinerary
3. Price Itinerary
4. Pay for Itinerary
5. Create Profile
6. Customer Login
All the sequence diagrams are client neutral. And nicely depicted different tiers and also put small notes wherever applicable in all the SD's.
(4) Deployment Diagram - Drew this diagram for my understanding though this is not mandatory for submission.
And lastly my Assumptions, Architecture & Design document (total 16 pages) comprises of the following items,
1. Introduction
2. Application Modules
3. Application Design (Sub heading - Design Goals)
4. Application Tiers
5. Design Choice and Decisions (things like Transaction Control,Persistence and Authentication & Authorization etc.)
6. List of J2EE Design
Patterns 7. List of Assumptions
8. Description about extending the classes in BDOM (used CRC technique)
Hope this helps,
[ January 04, 2005: Message edited by: Anil Vupputuri ]