Originally posted by rose deng:
I use separate business delegate for web client and rich client. My question is in component diagram, i should put rich client's business delegate in which tier ? I think should put into client tier.
Would like to hear your opinion.
Rose, we can find the answer is we think logically. Since the Travel Agent is supposed to use a
Java Application (GUI may be swing or AWT), there is no HTTP involved in here. Therefore, we do not require the web server at all; in other words, the App Client can just bypass the web server and directly contact the EJB server. Now, the EJB server is meant for handling remote objects like the EJBs. But Business Delegate is not meant for remote service, it just separates the presentation/routing-control from the EJB layer. If we keep the business delegate in the EJB layer, we need to make it remotely available, which does not endorse the purpose a Business Delegate is meant for. Thus, for an application client, if we do wish to create a business delegate, we must create that along with the App Client. Evidently, in an App Client, there is no clear distinction of tiers between the client and BD; but for conceptual point of view we may show it as a separate component.
Anybody for comments?