Originally posted by vu lee:
In case of SFSB, if 300 users browse a product catalog at a time, then 300 SFSB instances are created. .
This isn't always true, many servers emulate SLSB life cycle, SFSB state is persited on disk betwen method calls and the SFSB instance is reallocated to another client. I agree that this solution has a drawback: intensice I/O read-write.
SFSB don't scale well, entity beans are a performance bootleneck. this is true and false in the same time.The choices you make should depend on your system, a generic solution doesn't exist.
Choosing the optimal solution is the hardest part of the architect' job.Often QoS requirements are orthogonal.
Anothet thing to take im mind : we should find (tests, tests and tests...)the optimal server configuration for our system.I have seen many critical applications running inside servers with DEFAULT CONFIGURATION!! We should leverage all optimization startegies that modern servers provide.
[ July 14, 2005: Message edited by: Marcel Karombor� ]