I think you can't access the database directly as it would as good as rewriting the FFMS.
Totally agree with that, documentacion say, there is no informacion about the systema, so you must make a reverse ingeniering from the database, with some times, very bad results.
This design ensure that Price Itinerary will be used, irrespective of payment using card or using your frequent flyer miles?
I thinks yes, think in system extensibility (more payment methods in a future).
How will the Swing client integrate with the Perl/CGI app in this case?
Wy rich client application for agents, should be diferent than web application for customers ?
Is it possible to do a transaction that consists of: (1) calling remote PERL module API, and (2) updating the travel system database to confirm that payment has been made?
Yes wy not ... conatiner transactions or you muest implement some manual commit and rollback mechanism.
[ July 17, 2006: Message edited by: Santiago Urrizola ]
[ July 17, 2006: Message edited by: Santiago Urrizola ]