As with the
SCJD, Sun vary the requirements in order to raise at least one area with the student that is unknown (i.e. in your case JFC/Swing). Mine was something different but the purpose of varying the requirements on various technologies is so that the student has to go and investigate the technology as part of assignment.
There is little point asking people in the forum what the design should be as this is YOUR assignment not theirs! I suggest you do the same as the rest of us and visit the Sun site on Swing on buy a book!
By the way, you do need to know the related design patterns because you may want to include the components in your component diagram, along with any necessary pattern that delegates services to your main [server] application.
Hope this helps - not intending to be rude but please use the assignment to learn (as it was intended). It is far too easy simply to ask someone else and you will not learn anything by doing so.
Ian Roberts<br />Application Architect<br />SCJP, SCJD, SCEA, OCUP Fundamental