Theodore Casser
Code Poet
Originally posted by Duren Lee:
... should first create seq diagram, or first create component diagram?
Originally posted by Duren Lee:
i don't know how to find out some components from class drag...
Originally posted by Duren Lee:
... some interfaces with external subsystem should exist in component diag. -
Interfaces are the glue of OO.
Originally posted by Thomas Taeger:
Not only with _external_ subsystems or components. Each component must provide at least one interface and may require zero or more services (interfaces) from other components.
Excurs concerning initial sketching above:
In UML 1.x I [ab]used deployment diagrams for showing a first raw architecture and took into account the given hardware nodes. That made many things clearer.
In UML 2.0 deployment diagrams components still may reside in the deployment diagram, but not within its nodes. Therefore since UML 2.0 I use component diagrams for initially sketching the raw system.
Remember that a component is something like an EJB-jar, a deployment descriptor other paackage-jars, a db table, an .exe or other _types_. In UML 2.0 deployment diagrams they now distinct between "deployment spec" (the above deployment descriptor) and "artifact" (the rest of the above types), i.e. physical things that really do not matter at design time. So for component sketching use component diagrams instead now.
End of excurs.
Originally posted by Duren Lee:
... a DB table is one type of the component ...
Originally posted by Duren Lee:
... but in the study case, why not 'product' and 'customer' display in the compoent diag.? -
Interfaces are the glue of OO.
William Butler Yeats: All life is a preparation for something that probably will never happen. Unless you make it happen.
Originally posted by Dan Drillich:
Duren Lee,
You are absolutely right – the top three classes: order, product and customer are not shown in the component diagrams.
-- Dan
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