Scorer agreement is all matters. (for me scorer is client who needs to approve my proposal
One more hint is in req doc
Interviewer: Speaking of the Frequent Flyer system, why are you not replacing it with this rewrite?
FBN CEO: Let me handle this. We spent a half million dollars 6 months ago to get this system in place. I for one am not ready to throw it away and spend another half million to replace it. You will have to interface with what is there and if this project goes smoothly and the
J2EE application servers prove to work, then we can talk about rewriting it.
Our travel agents Java application must be able to access the system and we want our customers to have access through the Internet. --------------
Practically, i won't approach spending time/resources building new java-app just for agents unless there is any existing app or any requirememt enforces it. At present, i don't see response time <5 secs is good enough for need of applet.