Thanks Kengkaj , Vinays Singh,Sonal and Marcelo !!
I didnt use any simulator for the test.Your questions have already been answered so pls search the javaranch.
1.regarding initial search- When the customer enters departure city, date time etc, the results which are displayed must be somewhere stored in 1 or 2 tables in system.Would these be displayed as entities in class diagram ?
And isn't it the segment information which is pre stored ?Am I moving in right direction or assuming too much ?
I think you are assuming too much.
2.In prepare itinerary use case it is mentioned that system responds with selected flight priced. Price itinerray use case , would it be executed here or its pre stored data ?
Make the diagram according to your understanding,suggest to go through the requirements a few times.
3. Did you show generalization and inheritance in class diagram or just entities and their link to each other ?
I didnt show generalization and inheritance as the design is in its initial iteration and generalization relnships generally come up i subsequent iterations.
Getting into generalization business too early in the design may lead to identification of wrong 'types' for generalization.
1. We have to check the availability of flight for a particular segment on a given date and given class seat. That means BOOKED seat information(i.e availability) must be there. Do u suggest to put that information in a separate entity class with availability information. Any Hint is sufficient.
That's a design decision for u to take. In case u include such an entity u must document the thinking behind putting it.
2. Did you use stereotype to show sessionBean like Cade's book(eg: searchProcessor) in the class diagram.
No I didnt use stereotypes like Cade but used Notes to mention that the given class could be implemented as an SLSB in