posted 18 years ago
It will depende of how much details do you want to explicit at your diagrams. For a higher level design focus on initial architecture, you can depict your diagrams using only collaboration techniques. Note that you don't need to use collaboration diagrams for this, the collaboration techinique is about the emphasis on which responsability belongs to which object.
An example of collaboration could be an service locator object that get's the remote interface from the JNDI treee, and this service is colaborative with the business delegate object that needs this remote interface. An collaboration is just some service that an object could perform to help another object, and they provides those colaborative services for an biggest pourpose: An specific scenario of an use case.
For the assignment design pourposes, you must focus muchmore in collaboration rather than 'step-by-step' method calls. Remember: The architecture are created to be an guide for the system construction, by a developer perspective.
Best Regards!
Ricardo Ferreira,<br /> <br />Sun Certified Enterprise Architect<br />IBM Certified SOA Solution Designer<br />IBM Certified RUP v7.0 Solution Designer<br />IBM Certified Specialist for RUP v2003