I have been looking at Prepare Itinerary to be made up of the following tasks:
1> Search Itinerary -- Use SLSB (search data would be in httpsession for web client; for application client -- storing search data is not a problem);
2> Booking Itinerary -- Use SFSB
Search Itinerary consists -- first search followed by second search (which comprises of search for flights within 1 hour of the selected flight and cost less than the same ) would be shown;
User selects the flights; till user select seats;
Booking Itinerary -- Store the selected flight data and seat information in the Session Bean.
check if user account created, if not force him to create;
Check if user logged in, if not force him to login;
compute price;
save itinerary;
As I draw sequence diagram ...i am not getting convinced about trigerring the need for user login/ user account creation screen /process from stateful session bean.
Can anybody point me to any url or share any thoughts on invoking
JSP from stateful session bean and then getting the control back???
I have almost started feeling that stateful session is required only bez of these alternative flows, as otherwise one could have managed just with the stateless session bean.
Thanks in advance.