I'm confused about what should go into the class and component diagrams?
In my class diagram, I�ve not only put my classes, interfaces and their relationships, but I�ve also added the subclasses for the �framework� classes I�m needing and any �pattern-orientated� classes (e.g. Fa�ade, Transfer Objects, Service Locators, etc., etc.).
However, from reading the threads in this forum, it seems as though most people are just concentrating (and scoring highly as a result) on representing the core (about 15-20) �model� classes.
Is this correct, and if so, won�t there be a few �isolated�, standalone classes?
Also, should the
J2EE patterns that I�m using go into the Component Diagram???
�if so, is it acceptable to have the components (i.e. EJBs) alongside basic classes (as in Figure 4 of the following link:
http://www.agilemodeling.com/artifacts/componentDiagram.htm), and should I be creating several component diagrams � i.e. one for each component?