I really feel devastated man!
I sat for
SCEA step 1 today and failed, my scores:
Exam Score = 50%; Passing Score = 57%
Application Design Concepts and Principles = 77%
Commons Architectures = 12%
Integration and Messaging = 100%
Business Tier Technologies = 62%
Web Tier Technologies = 25%
Application of
Java EE Technology = 44%
Patterns = 37%
Security = 50%
I attempted the first 56 questions and didnt have time to take the last
Very complex and lengthy questions, not very sufficient time to think through the answers.
It's obvious what areas I need improvement on, although I have read Core
J2EE patterns and J2EE Architect Study Guide by Mark Cade et al.
Before sitting for the exam, I got a recommendation to use
SCEA training Lab (
All attempts I made to purchase this prove abortive, since I live in Nigeria.
However, I chose Expert in most of the areas I was asked to rate my self on I dont know how this could have affected the kind of questions I was asked eventually.
I hope to re-take the exam as soon as I get my confidence back.
Most shameful is the fact that the inspiration I had to write this exam came from the likes of Wilmar Rodriguez who scored 96% in the same exam!
too bad!!