Howdy -- you can't expose the CMR fields through a Remote interface, because the CMR fields are always the local interface of an entity (or a Collection of them). In fact, you can't EVER expose a local interface reference through a Remote method, so really, the rules for CMR in this case aren't any different from any other type of local interface reference.
But... you *can* expose them through a local interface. You probably shouldn't, and won't, since it is nearly *always* better to offer your *own* methods -- exposing ANY of an CMP bean's 'virtual fields' is really an ecapsulation violation, when you think about it.
So, you'll normally have your *own* business methods that are written specifically for the client, and that may *use* your CMR fields, but not retun the value of the CMR field directly.
For example, you might have a Customer bean that has a CMR field for its Address. But the client doesn't/shouldn't know that the Customer's address is another BEAN -- the client just wants the darn *address* in some easy-to-use form -- maybe you'll expose multiple methods to change street, city, zip, whatever or you'll use some kind of value object that just encapsulates the data of the address.