Hey Keith,
Originally posted by Keith Rosenfield:
Hello all:
Page 108 of the spec says the following:
What is meant by the entity object? Is this the bean? What do they mean by surviving a crash? Does that mean when the container is restarted the entity object will be re-created? What is meant by the object identity?
Please provide an other information that may help clear up my confusion.
As far as i understand, Entity object and Bean is different thing. As explained in HF, Entity Object (after compeletion of constructor) becomes Bean( with its beanness) after the setSessionContext() and ejbCreate() methods are done with their execution.
Surviving a crash means - if the server crashes, the bean, ie OO view of respresenting a row in a table in a database, must be able to be saved in the table. And when the server is back up on, the client should be able to retrive that row through the bean again.
As far as the Object identity is concerned, i believe it's the primary key that bean has which is essentially represents a unique row in a table in the database.
someone might want to get in here and correct if what i just mentioned are wrong.