posted 20 years ago
Howdy -- I completely understand your concerns, and you make a good point. But you can relax... we have NO plans right now to update SCBCD, so it will be probably at LEAST nine months or longer before a new exam is released. Sun's customers are less likely to migrate to J2EE 1.4 for their EJB's then they are to update to the new Servlets and JSP specs, so the SCBCD exam will stay more current with what people are actually USING for EJB, rather than the J2EE/EJB spec version that is out. In other words, once a critical mass of real enterprise developers are actually *using* EJB 2.1, then we'll update the exam.
Another reason is that the changes between EJB 2.0 and 2.1 are very few, and mostly related to Web Services, and the Web Services-specific EJB 2.1 issues will be covered in the new Web Services exam that goes into beta in a month or two.
And actually, it *usually* takes at least 4-5 months from the time we first start working on an exam until you see the final release, although the time from beta to final is usually around 3 months or less. But there's a long process in developing the objectives, doing survey (here on javaranch and other places) about the objectives, then creating the exam, then finally the beta.
So you would have at LEAST six months advance notice when we have scheduled to revise the SCBCD, before the exam actually releases. And right now, it is not even on our schedule at all. So you're safe with the current version.
And the new Servlets exam isn't officially out yet either, although it's coming soon.