mock question:
A developer writes an interceptor class called Foolnterceptor containing the following
Aroundlnvoke method:
11 . @Aroundlnvoke
12. public Object intercept(lnvocationContext ctx) {
13. return "intercepted";
Foolnterceptor is applied to a business method in a stateless session bean:
11. @lnterceptors(Foolnterceptor.class)
12. public
String testzero(int i) {
13. return (i == 0)? "zero": "not zero";
14. }
Which describes the result when a client invokes the testzero method with a value of 1?
A. The intercept method is NEVER invoked.
B. The client receives a return value of "zero".
C. The client receives a return value of "not zero".
D. The client receives a return value of "intercepted".
given answer is D,why business method returns value from interceptor method according given answer?I think it's C,when business method was called,it's interceptor method will run too,but how can business method get return value from interceptor method?anyone clear this for me,thanks.