Well with the help of Allah i have cleared SCWCD.But this time i have got very less percentage 71%.
The SCWCD paper is easier then SCJP.The question were straight forward.
I don't Know what the sun was trying to take the answer from my mind.
My score and questions :
Servlet Model.---------------------------------------------------------100%.(6-9 Ques)
Structure and Deployment of Modern Servlet Applications----- 25%..(2 Ques)
Servlet Container Model-------------------------------------------- 40%.
ServerSide Exception------------------------------------------------ 100%(2Ques).
Designing andDeveloping SessionManagement------------------- 75%..
Designing and Developing SecureWeb application--------------- 75%..(2 Ques)
Designing and Developing
Thread Safe --------------------------- 0%.(2-3questions)
Jsp Model.------------------------------------------------------------ 87%..(5-7 Ques)
Designing And Developing Reusable Web Components ------- 100%.(1 Ques)
Designing And Developing JSP using
Java BeanS ................60%..(3-5 Ques)
Designing and Developing Using CustomTags---------------- 100%..(4-6 Ques)
Designing and Developing CustomTag Library.-------------- 75%..(3-4 Ques)
Pattern ------------------------------------------------------ 75%.(4Ques).
I found 5 fill in the blanks about jsp only.5 were coded based questions about 15 lines
I use following resources for preparations .
Servlet Specifcations A++
JSP Specifcations A+
My own notes(on copy) B.
Jason Hunter A++
Core Servlet A
Professional JSP A(nice to undestand syntax of jsp)
Web development with JSP A++(very excellent for designing jsp pages)
Jweb plus A++.(more tough then real exam).
Thanks to all ranchers.It made very help ful in my preparation.
Thanks to anndChawla.Anand Chawla mock was very good i scored 48/59.
The Milku site was also very nice.scored init 93/100
The other tough mock was also very good in which i scored 50%.
Kens notes were very help ful.It is very well organized.
Mifth Khan notes are also very good.I read it once.
Java ranch mock was very easy i score 24/25.
jawwad ahmed qureshi.