Suppose two files, a.jsp and b.jsp:
code for a.jsp:
<br>this is a's content...<br>
<br>included code:<br>
code for b.jsp:
<%@page language='
<br>this is b's content...<br>
if we replace (1) with <
jsp:include page='b.jsp'/> or <jsp:include page='b.jsp' flush='true'/>
we are going to have the following will appear in the browser:
this is a's content...
included code:
this is b's content...
but if we replace (1) with:<%request.getRequestDispatcher("b.jsp").include(request,response);%>
the following will be printed:
this is b's content...
this is a's content...
included code:
Could someone clarify this...
Thanks in advance