Spend your money wisely
I got my money to buy product at half price than that of whizlab products.
I have a big big secret to share here at the ranch.
Price of Head First
Servlets &
JSP is US $30.57
Price of Whizlab's Simulator for SCWCD US $64.95
I am sure that if you purchase two copies of HFS&J instead of one, you can easily pass the exam without Whizlab simulator and still spend much less money
And also have a look on official exam objectives at
http://suned.sun.com/US/catalog/courses/CX-310-081.html There is nothing as such "Tab Lib" or Tag Lib included there. So, if Whizlab's simulator covers such topic I would say "what a piss poor product" that distracts you from the official objectives.
I waited more than 4 months before I put my hands on HFS&J. There have also been moments of frustration during this long long wait. But, I had one thing very clear in my mind that
K&B know the official objectives and they can't miss anything. [ September 29, 2004: Message edited by: Alfred Harre ]