I have to take issue with Sun's suggestion that JSTL and EL makes JSPs "scriptless" and "easy". The JSTL is so finely grained, and mirrors straight code so closely, that all it does is
double the amount of learning required. Sun would suggest that web-designers find it easier to use tags instead of straight
Java code - is there
any evidence to support this?
I've been working for a few years as a software engineer, and
anybody I've worked with who is writing JSPs also writes Java classes. Application programmers write JSPs, not web designers. They know Java. Java is strongly typed and easily debugged. JSTL tags are arcane and highly dependent on deployment descriptors, library and container versions. Bottom line - they are harder to work with, and ultimately unnecessary.
${myObj.val} is supposed to be some improvement over
<%=myObj.getVal()%>?? :roll: At least there's only one way to write
<%=myObj.getVal()%>. With EL, multiple expression styles are provided which result in the same thing. This is
complexity, not ease of use.
I appreciate the facility to be able to write custom tags, and the tag files introduced with JSP2.0 are definitely a step in the right direction, but with JSTL and EL, I think Sun may have lost sight of their audience...
[ January 19, 2005: Message edited by: Fletcher Estes ]