Sorry for late reply. Have you solve the problem? Can you display the html page now?
Thanks a lot.Even i got confused whether you need a web.xml file to display just an html page.
You are welcome. I don't need web.xml file to display the html page. Please refer to my previous post.
My tomcat installation is in D:\Tomcat\Tomcat5.0
I have corrected the WEB_INF to WEB-INF.
My application directory name is Dolls and html is Doll.html.
I have placed this Doll.html in D:MyPrograms\Dolls\Doll.html
and also in D:Tomcat\Tomcat5.0\webapps\Dolls\Doll.html
Also D:\Tomcat\Tomcat5.0\webapps\Dolls\WEB-INF directory also
You can display Doll.html by using web page