In your
servlet, you are storing the Person in the Request object not the Session object:
Also, in your first JSP, you are creating a bean, storing it in the session and populating it from Person in the request object. So, yes, you will see the value when you call getProperty.
In your second JSP, you are creating a bean, storing it in the session but never populating it. (There is no setProperty tag.) So, no, you will not see the value when you call getProperty.
The above assumes that you start a new session then call the servlet which forwards to one of the JSPs. (The useBean tag will check the Session for an existing Person and use that if it exists, but it won't in a new session.)
Suppose you change the scenario such that the servlet executes and forwards to JSP 1 and then you call JSP 2 in the same session. In this case, you would see the name displayed in JSP 2 because JSP1 would have stored a populated Person object in the Session.