Hi, again..
Please take a look at the following question:
The <
jsp:include> element allows you to include either a static or dynamic file in a JSP file. The results of including static and dynamic files are quite different.
<jsp:include page="brew.jsp" flush="true">
aram name="favbeer" value="sprecher" />
From the scenario above, which one of the following sets of statements differentiates between static and dynamic inclusion of a file in a JSP page?
Choice 1 -
If the file is static, the file is included a compile time.
If the file is dynamic, the file recompiled for each request.
Choice 2 -
If the file is static, the file name cannot be changed.
If the file is dynamic, the file name can be changed. In both cases the included file acts on a request and sends back a result.
Choice 3 -
If the file is static, its content is included in the calling JSP file.
If the file is dynamic, it acts on a request and sends back a result that is included in the JSP page.
Choice 4-
If the file is static or dynamic, the file name can be changed.
If the file is dynamic, the included file acts on a request and sends back a result.
Choice 5 -
If the file is static or dynamic, the file name cannot be changed.
If the file is dynamic, the included file acts on a request and sends back a result
I marked the option "4". is that correct?