but if i have not commited the response with flush() method...and i m forwarding to a jsp or servlet ..then whether the output would contain my name biren?>>>
pleae help me out...
if the biren.jsp does not have any code that can be output..what will be the output.
when the forward method return to the calling servlet, at this stage the response is in commited state. After the calling of forward method, you can do the other processing , but it is not recommended so we put return immediately after it.
As the response is already commited (invalid) you can not view any contains in the browser generated after the forward method. If you use the out.println statement after forward method and the response is not closed , it throws the
IllegalStateException, but it can not displayed in browser. You can check your log file.
If ypu put the statement.
log(response.isCommited()); after the forward statement, it shows tye value true.
Hope it help.
Narendra Dhande
SCJP 1.4,SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 5.0, SCDJWS 5.0, SCEA 5.0