Hi Bert,
Struts part in the final chapter of the book has been really covered well.
I tried running the code given. Everything works fine.
But the beer app in the sarting chapter ( i guess chapter 3 ) uses form.html as a page where user selects the beer
The app in the final chapter tells us to use form.jsp. A
JSP should be used because -
"We need to pop error message ( in case the user selects a invalid beer ). Such a error message can be popped only on JSP"
The point that i wanted to bring to your attention is -
The code for form.jsp is not at all given in the book. It gave me a lot of pain in the a**, to figure out how to code the JSP
I referred Struts - Complete Reference by Schieldt. But i do agree the pain was all the worth.
FYI, all ranchers add this code to the form.html file of chapter 3, and rename the file as form.jsp.
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tlds/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %> < add this at the top )
<html:errors/> ( i added this just after the <BODY> tag of the file, but i guess it can be added anywhere in the file)
note - if anyone wants explanantion for the above struts tag, i will give it.
Also add this to the drop - down box's code -
This will help you
test your error message
The applicaition runs fine when you use the following URL
http://localhost:8080/strutsFirstApp/form.jsp But gives a NullPointerException ( in the borwser window ) if you use the following URL
http://localhost:8080/strutsFirstApp/SelectBeer.do ( after seeing the stack trace i guess one should add the <controller> tag to
the struts-config.xml )
I should not get any NullPointerException as we have coded the web.xml to handle all the .do URLs.s
When i start the server i get a exception trace, prominent messages of which are -
"element type message resources must be declared "
" the content of element type "struts-config" must match "(data sources?, form beans ?, global forwards ?, action-mappings ?)"
I have typed in the xml file as it is give in the book
HANG ON - By the time i posted this on the ranch, i solved the issue 2. The solution is here for your reference -
Solution to Issue No 2 - I was using this in struts-config.xml -
<!DOCTYPE struts-cofig PUBLIC
"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.0//EN"
If you see properly i missed a 'n' on the first line I corrected this but it didnt solve the problem. Did some googling and found that
xml file is improper as per the stuts DTD. I am using a struts 1.2 so the second line should have a 1.2 instead of 1.0
This solves the problems in ISSUE 2 and we dont see any server spit out when we start the server.
Bert Please inlcude some directions in the book that take care of the version mismatch problem as above.Its difficult for begineers to
figure out the bug, but i do agrree that the pain that i took to solve the issue was all worth.
I have uploaded the entire code on [ link here ]. You can download it and save your preicious time
Still Issue 1 needs to be sorted
Please Help
Thanks in advance.