Hi everyone.
I would like to announce with great satisfaction that I a new sun certified web component developer. I am really happy with this new achievement.
Concerning the studies, I used Head First book. I started studying on the 11th of September and I took the
test on 11th of October. For the test, I read the book twice. I also read some review notes I found here, at
Java Ranch.
The test itself is not very hard. Of course there are some pick questions but if you study, it won�t be a big deal. What makes the exam, most of the times, much easier than most of the monk exams I have used is the fact that the exam gives you how many answers you have to choose. This is a great hand.
I am here to help.
Thank you Java Ranch for supporting this great community of Java Professionals.
Fl�vio Oliva x()
I work with the following technologies: Webwork 2.2, Xwork, iReport 0.5.2 Jasper Reports 1.1.0, JSP 2.0, CSS, Java Script, Hibernate 3.0.5, MySQL 4.1.7, Eclipse 3.1, Tomcat 5.5.9, JBoss 4.0.2. Any Doubt? ask me, denon82@msn.com