Hi gowher,
Your DD is almost correct. Let's check it out :
You must replace the line <url-pattern>/app3/welcome.jsp</url-pattern>
with <url-pattern>
/welcome.jsp</url-pattern>. For sure it will work.
The <url-pattern> must be relative to the root of the application, so if you use the url
pattern /app3/welcome.jsp you are saying to container you want to constraint the resource at <a href="http://localhost:8080/app3/<b rel="nofollow">app3/welcome.jsp</b>" target="_blank">
http://localhost:8080/app3/app3/welcome.jsp and not at <a href="http://localhost:8080/app3<b rel="nofollow">/welcome.jsp</b>" target="_blank">
http://localhost:8080/app3/welcome.jsp as you would expected.
Did you get the point ?
Oh ! Don't forget to restart your web application in order to changes in DD have effect.
[ October 26, 2006: Message edited by: Edisandro Bessa ]
"If someone asks you to do something you don't know how to, don't tell I don't know, tell I can learn instead." - Myself