I find one interesting and another necessary forum to be opended up in the ranch.
Number One : Process Centric Software Engineering We developers are quite convinced now of the importance of software processes. This forum will talk on software development life cycles, key process areas of a software project like time management, documentation, requirements management, product engineering etc. and a few model defining these activities like CMM (capability maturity model). This should go under Engineering group of ranch. If you think people there will be shortage of volunteers, I am ready to take responsibility of this forum as I have just completed a workshop on CMM where I was the training coordinator. But my eligibility as a bartender... are the decider.
Number Two : Other Open Source Projects There are so many exciting open source projects other than Jakarta/Apache also (making this comment despite I am a true lover of Jakarta). Just think about sourceforgenet as an example. A little earlier I was thinking where should I post the following
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JGrinder vs Avalon So you can think of it seriously.