Hello all,
Although the scwcd hints page (
http://faq.javaranch.com/view?ScwcdHints) contains some very useful reminders, I was hoping someone could corroborate that a few of the hints are in fact incorrect:
#11-- says of the <
jsp:include> action that
"Page attribute accepts relative and absolute URLs."
This is in contradiction to the statement in section 5.4 of the jsp specification (jsp-2_0-fr-spec.pdf, p.1-109) where it says that:
"The resource is specificed using a relativeURLspec that is interpreted in the context of the web application."
The "page" entry in Table JSP.5-4 (p.1-110) repeats that:
"The URL is a relative urlSpecf as in Section JSP.1.2.1. Relative paths are interpreted relative to the current JSP page."
The faq also says of the include directive that:
"File attribute accepts relative and absolute URLs.", which appears to be contradicted in JSP.1.10.3 (p.1-51).
#14-- "A web.xml file that contains only an empty root element (<web-app></web-app>
is perfectly legal."
is contradicted in section SRV.13.4 of the
servlet spec (p.135 of servlet-2_4-fr-spec.pdf) where it says that:
"[The web-app] element has a required attribute "version"..."
#33-- Lists 4 steps in the creation of a custom tag.
Step 3, "Tell in the web.xml file about where to find the TLD file",
is not strictly necessary, since the specification defines a process whereby jsp containers automatically discover any .tld files within WEB-INF or a subdirectory (JSP.7.3.4, p.1-162).
Do you agree?