Originally posted by Srividhya Kiran:
and when i place my cursor on the string "sri" it says undefined attribute name sri.
That's perfect! It explains exactly what is going on.
Let's examine what's happening...
The compiler tries gathering up all the attributes of the rendered tag...
Oh looky! A
test attribute!
test="${person.name eq "sri"}" var="cond" scope="request">
Let's look at what the value for test is. Hmm... I see it starts with a double quote.
<c:if test=
"${person.name eq "sri"}" var="cond" scope="request">
So now I can assume that the end of the attribute will also be a double quote!
<c:if test=
"${person.name eq "sri"}" var="cond" scope="request">
Mmmmm.... yummy test attribute!
What attribute do we have next? sri? c:if isn't supposed to have a sri attribute! And the developer didn't even give it an equals sign! What kind of cruel joke is this!
<c:if test="${person.name eq "
sri"}" var="cond" scope="request">
[ July 25, 2008: Message edited by: Marc Peabody ]