Originally posted by Ian B Anderson:
Just a thought on what you said:
[b]"The idea case would be: user lock down a record, place a order, then release the record......But in any of these steps, user may elect to click the upper-righthand "X" to close the small window instead of go forward or backward"
This wouldn't happen, you should not lock the record until the user has specified the flight and how many seats they want. You wouldn't lock records and then wait for user input.
If you lock the record after you specify how many seats, then your lock is not much useful, because Data.modify() has taken care of the synchorization. I think the assignment means you need to protect the data integrity--at certain point in the process, when you saw one ticket available, then it means it is available to you, nobody will book it before you do--they won't proceed to that point unless you release the record.
Also I think as long as you say what could go wrong in your design document along with possible future enhancements to prevent this then you should be fine.
Good luck
Well, in my design, I seperate search and book function, because the possible delay in booking.
The way it works is:
....user look around....when he like a flight, he need to memorize the flight number, then open a new window, type in the flight number, hit button.............at that point, that flight record is locked, a window with that flight information come up, then user type in the number of ticket, hit button..........at that point, record is released.