1) Hi Ranchers, I have quick couple of questions regarding criteriaFind()
Here is what my criteriaFind does ....
if(emptyString) {
return all rows;
} else {
return appropriateRows
Here are my questions:
1) Is the above logic fine ? My precise question is : We need to treat the
case of "Empty String" seperately .. is that right ..?
2) a) Should my criteriaFind be generic enough to support this kind of argument to criteriaFind ?
"Carrier='Travel's,Inc',Destination airport='SFO'" ..?
Please, carefully look at the value of the carrier ....
b) Another related question: As we are storing the values for the fields in the database as "SFO", what we are doing
when thw user sends
string "Destination airport='SFO'" is, we are essentially, stripping off
it into "SFO" and comparing instead of stripping it into "'SFO'" and comparing... is that right ..?
Please,clear this confusion for me.
Thank You guys,
Krishna Varma Adluru