regards,<br />Suresh<br />Sr.Systems Engineer)<p>--Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform <br />--JLPT(Level-4) Certified Professional
getCriteriaMap. My code to create a HashMap of the criteria string is only 10 lines of code. I am confused as to what you are actually doing in this method?
In one aspect it looks like it is trying to not only make the HashMap, but also check to see if it is a match to a record, then putting it somewhere.
regards,<br />Suresh<br />Sr.Systems Engineer)<p>--Sun Certified Programmer for Java 2 Platform <br />--JLPT(Level-4) Certified Professional
1)implement use methods in Data class Vs. create seperate helper class.
what's the benefit to create a new helper class? from my opion, in every search, we must instantiate that helper class, which will bring some more overhead.
2)to hold criteria, use HashMap
yes, it's convenient to use HashMap and can make code clean, but is it more efficient to just use array, for ext., String[][]
3)how did you handle the exceptions in criteriaFind?
in the case that field not exist, and criteria syntax not correct, did you just ignore it or throws DatabaseException?
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