hi all,
thanks to those who are sharing their views on this forum.
i am using MVC pattern in my gui design.
my question is:-
I have three ComboBoxes mainly for Carrier, Origin and Destination.Should i populate these
ComboBoxes having a reference to my Model of MVC pattern for my gui or should i just get
a reference of DataClient directly in the gui and populate these ComboBoxes? As i see this
changes in the size of these comboboxes only occurs ,if FBN enhances its capacity to hold more
flights,which is not a every minute operation.
For right now i am thinking of having the following items in my Model,which i think will be
changing constantly.
4.search results depends upon the seach
string 5.something related to booking of a record (DataInfo)
I hope ,this make sense to you guys.
Any thoughts