I'm on the documentation stage and after re-reading the instruction file again & again I've got confused over my design choice of providing JComboBox for every field.
I've created a TabbedPane on which there are 2 panels one for normal search (only for Origin & Destination fields) and other for all fields with one search JButton on both panels.
Will my extra effort of providing Advance Search panel cause some -ve impact ?
I�ve used the tabbed pane in view of future functionality enhancements.
And one more question:
As per the instruction we have
The user should be able to select the origin and destination of flights...
I think it implicitly instructs us to use the JComboBox filled with all possible values.
Am I right over this point?
I'm not filling the comboboxes with all possible values of orgin & destination but making a history of all the items entered on the JComboBoxes and storing them into a configuration file which automatically gets loaded at the startup and fills the comboboxes with the history values.
So now I feel that I�ve made some unnecessary extra efforts.
Pleas help me out from this confusion. Any comment will be appreciated.
Thanks & regards
Manish Kumar