* Contents: *
* The exact version of JDK used: *
JDK 1.3.1_03 was used to develop and test this application.
This application was developed and tested on Window 2000 SP 2.
* Execution Instructions *
*** LOCAL MODE ***
All instructions should be carried out on a command prompt.
To get a command prompt when windows is already running, click
on start, then click on run. In the open text field type cmd <enter>.
Step 1
Unjar the main jar file (scjd-xxxx.jar)in a directory of your choosing.
By typing:
jar -xvf scjd-xxxx.jar
This location is now <root dir>.
Step 2
Copy the client.jar, db.db file and the help directory to a location of your
choosing by typing:
copy <root dir>\client.jar <location>\client.jar
copy <root dir>\db.db <location>\db.db
xcopy <root dir>\help <location>\help /SI
** Note: The client.jar, db.db, and help directory root must all exist in the
same directory.
Step 3
Execute the application by typing:
<location>java -jar client.jar
** Note: Help files on how to use the application once running can be found,
in the help menu at any time. If you would like to view these
help files without the use of the application, point the browser
of your choice to file:///<location>/help/index.html
All instructions should be carried out on a command prompt.
To get a command prompt when windows is already running, click
on start, then click on run. In the open text field type cmd <enter>.
Step 1
Unjar the main jar file (scjd-xxxxx.jar)in a directory of your choosing.
By typing:
<scjd-xxxxx.jar location>jar -xvf scjd-xxxx.jar
This location is now <root dir>.
Step 2
Copy the client.jar and the help directory to a location of your
choosing by typing:
copy <root dir>\client.jar <location>\client.jar
copy -R <root dir>\help <location>\help
** Note: The client.jar and help directory root must all exist in the
same directory.
Step 3
Copy the server.jar and db.db file to a location your choosing
by typing:
copy <root dir>\server.jar <server loc>\server.jar
copy <root dir>\db.db <server loc>\db.db
** Note: The server.jar and the db.db file must all exist in the
same directory.
Step 4
Start the rmi service by typing:
start rmiregistry
Step 5
Start the db server by typing:
<server loc>java -jar server.jar <port>
<port> The port you wish the server to listen on.
Step 6
Start the client by typing:
<location>java -jar client.jar <ip or hostname> <port>
<ip or hostname> The ip or hostname for the location of the server
location from Step 5.
<port> The port number the server application is listening from
Step 5.
* Location of db.db file *
The db.db file can be found in the root directory of the main jar
file scjd-xxxxx.jar.
* Location of DESIGN_CHOICES document *
The DESIGN_CHOICES document can be found in the root directory of the main
jar file scjd-xxxx.jar. It's name is DESIGN_CHOICES.txt
* The names, locations, and brief description of all documents submitted *
./server.jar - Executable jar file for the server.
./client.jar - Executable jar file for the client
./README.txt - This file.
./Devassnmt2.jar - Original jar file from Sun Microsystem.
./DESIGN_CHOICES.txt - Design Choices document
./db.db - The binary database file
**** Source Code ****
./src - Contains all source code files.
./src/suncertify - suncertify package directory
./src/suncertify/server - server package directory
./src/suncertify/server/serverManifest.txt - Server manifest file
./src/suncertify/server/package.html - Server package description file
./src/suncertify/server/FlyByNightServer.java - Server start up source code
./src/suncertify/gui - gui package directory
./src/suncertify/gui/StringComparator.java - String sorter for gui combo boxes
./src/suncertify/gui/package.html - Gui package description file
./src/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightViewIntf.java - View interface for gui
./src/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightViewImpl.java - View implementation for gui
./src/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui.java - View helper class
./src/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightCtrlIntf.java - Controller interface for gui
./src/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightCtrlImpl.java - Controller implementation for gui
./src/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightClient.java - Client start up source code
./src/suncertify/gui/FlightTableDataModel.java - Table model for gui
./src/suncertify/gui/clientManifest.txt - Client manifest file
./src/suncertify/db - db package directory
./src/suncertify/db/RemoteDataImpl.java - Remote data server source
./src/suncertify/db/package.html - Db package description file
./src/suncertify/db/KeyGenerator.java - Unique key generator for locking records
./src/suncertify/db/FieldInfo.java - Field descripter for db record
./src/suncertify/db/DataModelIntf.java - Data model backend interface
./src/suncertify/db/DataInfo.java - Record descripter for db record
./src/suncertify/db/DatabaseException.java - Exception for db access
./src/suncertify/db/Data.java - Local data access
./src/suncertify/comm - communications package directory
./src/suncertify/comm/TransactionException.java - Wrapper class for DatabaseException
./src/suncertify/comm/package.html - Comm package description file
./src/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeRemoteImpl.java - Remote data access facade
./src/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeIntf.java - Data access facade
./src/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeImpl.java - Local data access facade
./src/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeAbst.java - Abstract facade for data access
**** Help Files for Gui ****
./help - Help documentation for gui
./help/images - directory for images for help documentation
./help/images/success_msg.jpg - help image
./help/images/flight_search.jpg - help image
./help/images/flight_booking.jpg - help image
./help/overview.html - gui help overview page
./help/leftNav.html - gui help left navigation page
./help/index.html - gui help starting point
./help/flight_search.html - gui flight search help documentation
./help/flight_booking.html - gui flight booking help documentation
**** Javadocs for application ****
./docs - javadoc redsiding directory
./docs/suncertify - javadoc package directory
./docs/suncertify/server - javadoc server package directory
./docs/suncertify/server/package-tree.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/server/package-summary.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/server/package-frame.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/server/FlyByNightServer.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui - javadoc gui package directory
./docs/suncertify/gui/StringComparator.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/package-tree.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/package-summary.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/package-frame.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightViewImpl.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightView.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui.TableListListener.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui.PanelButtonListener.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui.MenuListener.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui.HelpLinkListener.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightCtrlImpl.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightCtrl.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightClient.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/gui/FlightTableDataModel.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/db - javadoc db package directory
./docs/suncertify/db/RemoteData.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/db/package-tree.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/db/package-summary.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/db/package-frame.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/db/KeyGenerator.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/db/FieldInfo.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/db/DataModelInterface.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/db/DataInfo.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/db/DatabaseException.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/db/Data.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/comm - javadoc comm package directory
./docs/suncertify/comm/TransactionException.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/comm/package-tree.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/comm/package-summary.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/comm/package-frame.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeRemoteImpl.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeImpl.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeAbst.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacade.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/stylesheet.css - The javadoc stylesheet
./docs/serialized-form.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/packages.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/package-list - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/overview-tree.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/overview-summary.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/overview-frame.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/index-all.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/index.html - HTML/Javadoc documentation starting page:
./docs/help-doc.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/deprecated-list.html - A javadoc generated document.
./docs/allclasses-frame.html - A javadoc generated document.
**** Compiled class files ****
./classes - Contains all compiled class files
./classes/suncertify - suncertify package directory
./classes/suncertify/server - server package directory
./classes/suncertify/server/FlyByNightServer.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui - gui package directory
./classes/suncertify/gui/StringComparator.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/RemoteDataImpl_Stub.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightViewIntf.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightViewImpl.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightView.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui$TableListListener.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui$PanelButtonListener.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui$MenuListener.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightGui$HelpLinkListener.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightCtrlIntf.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightCtrlImpl.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlyByNightClient.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/gui/FlightTableDataModel.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/db - db package directory
./classes/suncertify/db/RemoteDataImpl_Stub.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/db/RemoteDataImpl_Skel.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/db/RemoteDataImpl.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/db/KeyGenerator.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/db/FieldInfo.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/db/DataModelIntf.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/db/DataInfo.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/db/DatabaseException.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/db/Data.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/comm - comm package directory
./classes/suncertify/comm/TransactionException.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeRemoteImpl.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeIntf.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeImpl.class - Compiled class file
./classes/suncertify/comm/DataMgmtFacadeAbst.class - Compiled class file
-Matt<br /> SCJP2<br /> SCJD
jar -xvf scjd-xxxx.jar
-Matt<br /> SCJP2<br /> SCJD
-Matt<br /> SCJP2<br /> SCJD
-Matt<br /> SCJP2<br /> SCJD
copy <root dir>\db.db <location>\db.db
... Specifically, you should document clear, simple command lines that allow your programs to be run on any Java 2 platform, regardless of the underlying hardware and operating system.
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