This is the question about the criteria
string used in criteriaFind method.
According to Sun, if one of the field name is not valid, then we return null because it is considered as the same as no matched record.
How about the following cases:
1) The criteria string is null or only white space? I see a lot people take it as "want all"
2) Right field name, no value?
such as "Origin="
3) Extra ","
example: "Origin='SFO',"
4) No single quote or mix
example: "Origin=SFO,Destination='LUX'"
5) No field name
example: "Origin='SFO','LUX'
..... etc.
a) Can we consider the malformatted criteria as the same as invalid field name and return null ?
b) Can I use the real databse field name as the field name in the criteria string ? Do I need to do match between them ?
example: Database field name = "Origin airport"
Sun's example = "Origin"
John Chien