posted 21 years ago
I have a couple of questions on implementing the database portion of the project.
1.The instructions state that the user should be able to specify the location of the database. If the location specified does not contain a database file should I have the system create a db file with the header information and schema information but no records, or should I throw an error?
2.When the db server is initialized I parse the header information to verify the magic cookie. Other then this I do not read in any of the header or schema info. I have hard coded record length, field off sets, etc. in the code. From the instructions I feel like this is enough for the purpose of the certification. But if this was going to be a real app I would parse the header and schema info to build all my variables and settings. This means little if no change would be required if the db format changed assuming that the header and schema format were still specified in the same format as before. This would be a better design part for the db server but might be an overkill for the purpose of this project.
Any advice would be helpful, Thx.