I'v been confused on search criteria for several days.
I will support two drop down ComboBox to search, one is name and another is location. In the panel there are tow button, "All Discontroom" and "search Discountroom", when the use hit the "search Discountroom" button, then my system will search the date based on the criteria that in the combobox selected by the use. If the use selected the name ComboBox only, then location match any, if selected the location ComboBox only, name match any, if both empty, then return all record in the db.db file, this same as hit "All Discountroom". This design OK?
Now my question is how can define the search criteria in the ComboBox? That is, if there are A, B, C record in the db.db file(e.g. on name field), whether I support "A" "B" "C" criteria in the name ComboBox? Then if there is a record name field is "ABC", will I support "AB" "BC" "ABC" search criteria?! If this, the criteria defination will terrible. How you do?
Help me
Andrew, Vlad, Max, Phil!